Observe Your Surronding. List Down The Plants That Possess The Given Description Below On Monocot An

observe your surronding. list down the plants that possess the given description below on monocot and dicot.

monocot and dicot

Leaves, stems, roots, and flowers are the four structural traits that distinguish monocots from dicots.

The differences, on the other hand, begin at the beginning of the plants life cycle: the seed. The embryo of the plant is contained within the seed. Dicots have two cotyledons (veins) whereas monocots have only one. Each plant develops tremendous variances as a result of this minor divergence at the start of its life cycle. Another structural difference arises once the embryo begins to form its roots.

Monocots have "fibrous roots" that branch out in a variety of directions. In comparison to dicot roots structures that dig deeper and develop thicker systems, these fibrous roots occupy the upper level of the soil.

Observe your surrounding.list down the plants that possess the given description below on monocot and dicot


