Give At Least Five Guidelines On How To Solve Common Sewing Machine Problems And How To Solve Them.

Give at least five guidelines on how to solve common sewing machine problems and how to solve them.


1. When stitching, thread bunches up under the fabric.

There are various possible causes for knots of extra thread on the underside of your sewing. Remove your sewing from the machine first. To get it loose, you might have to cut through all of the additional thread. If you just rip it loose, you risk ruining your machines operation, not to mention your fabric.

2. Needles that are bent or broken

This is a condition that can be both harmful and inconvenient. When starting a new project, always use a new needle. This keeps needles from dulling or hooking at the tip, which can cause fabric damage. Make sure yore using the correct needle for the job knit textiles require a ballpoint or jersey needle, whereas leather, vinyl, or denim require sharp, robust needles.

3. Fabric not feeding

Make sure if your machine has a drop-feed setting that it has not been activated, and that you dont have an embroidery or darning plate covering the feed dogs. Yoll also want to be sure that your presser foot is down, and is set to the correct pressure for your fabric—too little or too much pressure results in a poor feed. When starting a seam, make sure the fabric is all the way under the needle before lowering your presser foot.

4. Thread keeps breaking

Check the type of thread that yore using. Delicate threads designed for hand sewing are not suitable for use in a sewing machine. Your top and bottom threads should also be of the same weight. Re-thread your top thread, making sure your presser foot is up while threading. If yore still having issues, lower the tension settings for your top thread.

5. Machine is skipping stitches

There are several possible reasons for your machine to skip stitches. First, check that your needle is installed correctly, not bent or otherwise damaged, and that yore using the right type of needle for your project. If the top thread is not reaching the bobbin, the threads will not lock properly, resulting in a skipped stitch
